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Displaying 176 - 200 of 1754
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Brintrup, Lilianet 2019

"Hat" in The World "The way we saw it"

Briseno, Esdras 2019

"Nectar" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Bronson, Allison W. 2019

"A Well Preserved Symmoriiform (Chondrichthyes) Cranium from the Fayetteville Shale of Arkansas, USA (Upper Mississippian, Middle Chesterian)" in Journal of Morphology

Broussard, Mahayla 2019

"Life" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Brown, Caleb 2019

"The Minstrel" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Brown, Christian E. 2019

"Aneides vagrans is Absent from Angiosperm Crowns in an Old-growth Redwood Forest" in Herpetological Conservation & Biology

Brown, Christian E. 2020

"Jumping in arboreal salamanders: A possible tradeoff between takeoff velocity and in-air posture" in Zoology

Brown, Richard N. 2019

"Human Seroprevalence of Tick-Borne Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Borrelia burgdorferi, and Rickettsia Species in Northern California" in Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases

Brown, Richard N. 2020

"Borrelia burgdorferi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum Genospecies in Northern California" in Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases

Browne, Brandon L. 2019

"SR and ND Isotope Compositions of Quaternary Mafic Lavas of the Golden Trout Volcanic Field, Kern Plateau, Sierra Nevada" in Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Browne, Brandon L. 2019

"The Compositionally and Thermally Zoned Rhyolite Erupted from Long Canyon Dome, Golden Trout Volcanic Field, Kern Plateau, Sierra Nevada" in Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Bruner, Victoria 2019

"Building Connections Through Course Materials on Reserve" in Check Out the Library

Bruner, Victoria 2019

"Study Spaces" in Check Out the Library

Buchanan, Brian P. 2019

"Seasonal and Topographic Variations in Ecohydrological Separation Within a Small, Temperate, Snow-Influenced Catchment" in Water Resources Research

Bucher, Matthew 2019

"Assessment of neonatal, cord, and adult platelet granule trafficking and secretion" in Platelets

Bucher, Matthew 2019

"Use of Glucose, Glutamine, and Fatty Acids for Trophoblast Respiration in Lean Women, Women With Obesity, and Women With Gestational Diabetes" in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism

Buchheister, Andre 2019

"Place-Based Learning Communities on a Rural Campus: Turning Challenges into Assets" in Learning Communities: Research & Practice

Bueno Watts, Nievita 2019

"Geoscience Alliance: Report on a Decade of Success of a Native American Mentoring Organization" in AGU Fall Meeting

Bueno Watts, Nievita 2019

"Geoscience Alliance: A Visualization of the Decadal Growth of a Native American Mentoring Organization" in AGU Fall Meeting

Buetens, Sophi 2019

"Make Love Not War" in The World "The way we saw it"

Bugnacki, L Grace 2019

"To Be a Rose" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Bugnacki, L Grace 2019

"Conquering the Stage" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Bui, A. P. 2019

"Mitigating Migratory Fish Impacts from Upper Basin Hydro-Dam Development on the Mainstem Mekong River Using Tourist Photographs" in AGU Fall Meeting

Bui, Phuong 2019

"Assessing the Technical, Economic, and Environmental Feasibility of Floating Solar Power Generation on Water Reservoirs in Vietnam" in Theses and projects

Bunten, Alexis Celeste 2019

"What They Aren't Saying: Nonverbal Behaviors and Stereotypes" in ideaFest Poster