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Displaying 301 - 325 of 1762
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Cortes-Rincon, Marisol 2019

"Stability and instability on Maya Lowlands tropical hillslope soils" in Geomorphology

Cox, Anicca 2019

"Building a twenty-first century feminist ethos: three dialogues for WPAs" in WPA: Writing Program Administration

Cox, Anicca 2019

"Feminist mentoring, labor and activism" in Feminisms and Rhetorics

Cox, Gregory A. 2020

"Overlapping spectrums: The clinicogenetic commonalities between Charcot-Marie-Tooth and other neurodegenerative diseases" in Brain Research

Crain, Benjamin J. 2019

"Review of Orchids of Palau: a Field Guide" in Taxon

Crain, Benjamin J. 2019

"Palau en zijn vele orchideeën" in Orchideeën

Cribari, Molly 2019

"Comparative analyses of the soil microbiome of Phlox hirsuta (Polemoniaceae), a rare serpentine species" in ideaFest Poster

Crotteau, Justin S. 2019

"Initiating Climate Adaptation in a Western Larch Forest" in Forest Science

Crotteau, Justin S. 2019

"Effects on understory biomass and forage 8–10 years after precommercial thinning of Sitka spruce – western hemlock stands in southeast Alaska" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Crutsinger, Gregory M. 2019

"Non-native ungulates indirectly impact foliar arthropods but not soil function" in Biological Invasions

Crye, Sarah 2019

 "Parent Attitudes Towards Inclusion in Physical Education" in Theses and projects

Cuellar-Gempeler, Catalina 2019

"Key colonist pools and habitat filters mediate the composition of fiddler crab-associated bacterial communities" in Ecology

Cuellar-Gempeler, Catalina 2019

"Species-specific differences determine responses to a resource pulse and predation" in Oecologia

Cuellar-Gempeler, Catalina 2019

"Habitat filters mediate successional trajectories in bacterial communities associated with the striped shore crab" in Oecologia

Cuerpo-Hadsall, Kiara 2019

"Recommendations for Wildfire Recovery Planning for the City of Arcata" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone

Cuevas-Uribe, Rafael 2019

Chapter 9 "Artificial propagation of paddlefish: An overview of developments" in Paddlefish: Ecological, Aquacultural, and Regulatory Challenges of Managing a Global Resource

Culver III, William 2019

"Within-winter flexibility in muscle and heart lipid transport and catabolism in passerine birds" in Journal of Comparative Physiology B

Cummins Kelsey, Caylen M. 2019

"Reproductive den selection and its consequences for fisher neonates, a cavity-obligate mustelid" in Journal of Mammalogy

Cummins, Kenneth W. 2019

"Stream Invertebrate Zoology" in Inland Waters

Curtis, Jamie 2019

 "Exploring Protective Factors and Child Welfare Workers" in ideaFest Poster

Curtis, Jennifer A. 2019

"A Multi-Scale Soil Moisture Monitoring Strategy for California: Design and Validation" in Journal of the American Water Resources Association

Dagget, Shaylee 2019

"The Night and Day" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Daggett, Kaitlyn 2019

"Advocacy Through Art" in ideaFest Poster

Danufsky, Tamar 2001

"Historical changes in the abundance and distribution of the American avocet at the northern limit of its winter range" in Western Birds

Davis, Daniel B. 2019

"Industry, Firm, Job Title: The Layered Nature of Early-Career Advantage for Graduates of Elite Private Universities" in Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World