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Displaying 1551 - 1575 of 1766
Author Year Publicationssort descending
Fleming, Sean 2019

 "A Geospatial Recipe for Identifying Social Values and Fragmentation Issues of the Friends of the Dunes Land Trust" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Zhang, Monk 2019

 "November 8, 2016" in Toyon

Dennison, Olivia 2019

 "Empathy: Below the Surface" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Arrington, Jovanah 2019

 “"There's No I in Team”: Student Athlete Identity at an NCAA Division II University" in Theses and projects

Meyer, John Mark 2020

 “The Politics Of The ‘Post-Political’ Contesting The Diagnosis” in Democratization

Morgan, Kyle 2020

The World "The way we saw it" 2019-2020

Tam, Sofia 2019

"Nonverbal and Stereotypical Representations of Disney Animation and Characters Throughout History" in ideaFest Poster

Karadjova, Katia G. 2019

The Friendly Crocodile, English-French bilingual edition

Grafman, Lonny 2019

Atrapando la lluvia: Historias inspiradoras de comunidades que se unieron para recolectar supropia agua pluvial, y cómo usted también puede hacerlo (Spanish Edition)

Fernandes, Emily 2019

The Friendly Crocodile, English-French bilingual edition

McClure, Elizabeth 2019

"Snake River Basin Nez Perce Tribe Water Settlements" in ideaFest Poster

Hull, Wesley W. 2019

"Graduate Student Perspectives on Scale and Hierarchy in Ecology" in ideaFest Journal

Saler, Joseph 2019

"Graduate Student Perspectives on Scale and Hierarchy in Ecology" in ideaFest Journal

Bonilla, Vladimir 2019

"Graduate Student Perspectives on Scale and Hierarchy in Ecology" in ideaFest Journal

Bouissou, Adrian 2019

"Graduate Student Perspectives on Scale and Hierarchy in Ecology" in ideaFest Journal

Roche, Johnny S. 2019

"Graduate Student Perspectives on Scale and Hierarchy in Ecology" in ideaFest Journal

Reilly, Matthew J. 2019

"Graduate Student Perspectives on Scale and Hierarchy in Ecology" in ideaFest Journal

Horrack, Sabrina 2019

"Graduate Student Perspectives on Scale and Hierarchy in Ecology" in ideaFest Journal

Tregle, Joseph 2019

"To the Victor Go the Soils: An Analysis of a Historic Preservation Project in Arcata, CA" in ideaFest Poster

Friedman, Mira 2019

"Clinical Peer Education Model Assessment" in ideaFest Poster

Thacker, Rachael 2019

"The Rhetoric of Immigration" in ideaFest Poster

Antezana, Max 2019

"The Rhetoric of Immigration" in ideaFest Posters

Umana, Nick 2019

"The Rhetoric of Immigration" in ideaFest Posters

Howe, Tasha R. 2019

"Ethnic Differences in Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Role of Childhood Socioeconomic Status" in ideaFest Poster

Aksionczyk, Shaun 2019

"The Nonverbal Communication of a Serial Killer" in ideaFest Poster