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Displaying 1426 - 1450 of 1630
Author Year Publications
Steele, John W. 2018

"Construction of Niemann Pick Disease Type C1 HEK293 Cell Model Utilizing CRISPR Gene Editing" in ideaFest Poster

Stelter, Kimberly 2018

"Explore, Create, and Innovate with SkillShops" in Check Out the Library

Stevens, Andrew W. 2018

"A regime shift in sediment export from a coastal watershed during a record wet winter, California: Implications for landscape response to hydroclimatic extremes" in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms

Stewart, John 2018

"Waiting on the edge of winter" in The World "The way we saw it"

Stillma, Jack 2018

"Novel Tests of Gravity Below Fifty Microns" in ideaFest Poster

Stillman, Jackson 2018

"Switching to Electric Cars, and the Efficiency of Allocating Charging Stations" in ideaFest Poster

Stillman, Jackson 2018

"Short-range Tests of Gravitational Physics" in APS April Meeting

Stobb, Michael T. 2018

"A local and global sensitivity analysis of a mathematical model of coagulation and platelet deposition under flow" in PLOS ONE

Stock, Gregory M. 2018

"Thermal influences on spontaneous rock dome exfoliation" in Nature Communications

Stock, Gregory M. 2018

"Assessing rockfall susceptibility in steep and overhanging slopes using three-dimensional analysis of failure mechanisms" in Landslides

Stock, Gregory M. 2018

"Rapid 3-D analysis of rockfalls" in GSA Today

Stone, Torisha 2018

"We break our bodies to save our souls: identity construction through the participation in flat track roller derby" in Theses and Projects

Stone, Torisha 2018

"Oh my God. I am the highest I have ever been: User Experiences with Cannabis Edibles" in ideaFest Posters

Stonecypher, K. 2018

"Community Based Research to Help Identify a Connection between Geology and Groundwater Contamination to Elevated Cancer Rates in Fruithurst, Alabama" in AGU Fall Meeting

Stonecypher, K. 2018

"Assessing Socio-Environmental Factors for a Childhood Leukemia Cluster in Cleburne County, Alabama" in AGU Fall Meeting

Storts, Jr., Gary A. 2018

"Effects of collaborative teaching evaluation process on teacher/administrator collegiality" in Theses and Projects

Strayer, Sandra L. 2018

"Spore wall ultrastructure and development in a basal euphyllophyte: Psilophyton dawsonii from the Lower Devonian of Quebec (Canada)" in American Journal of Botany

Stroud, Crystal 2018

"Effects of a peer-assisted physical activity program on depression and anxiety in college students" in Theses and Projects

Stumpf, Tyler S. 2018

"Sharpening the ethnographer’s toolkit: Introducing the freelist method to information systems research" in Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

Stumpf, Tyler S. 2018

Chapter 11 "On the use of meta-theory in grounded investigations: In principle and practice in hospitality and tourism research" in Handbook of Research Methods for Tourism and Hospitality Management

Stumpf, Tyler S. 2019

"The land has voice: understanding the land tenure – sustainable tourism development nexus in Micronesia" in Journal of Sustainable Tourism

Suarez, Alyssa 2018

"A Comparative Color Analysis of 49 Bird Species and the Relation of Habitat Factors to Plumage Coloration in a Tropical Forest" in INRSEP Research Poster

Sugata, Michihiro 2018

"Continuum of Violence Research Project" in ideaFest Poster

Sutter, Michael 2018

"Rangewide tidewater goby occupancy survey using environmental DNA" in Theses and Projects

Svarc, Jerry 2018

"Leveraging geodetic data to reduce losses from earthquakes" in USGS Open File Report