Steele, John W. |
2018 |
"Construction of Niemann Pick Disease Type C1 HEK293 Cell Model Utilizing CRISPR Gene Editing" in ideaFest Poster |
Stelter, Kimberly |
2018 |
"Explore, Create, and Innovate with SkillShops" in Check Out the Library |
Stevens, Andrew W. |
2018 |
"A regime shift in sediment export from a coastal watershed during a record wet winter, California: Implications for landscape response to hydroclimatic extremes" in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms |
Stewart, John |
2018 |
"Waiting on the edge of winter" in The World "The way we saw it" |
Stillma, Jack |
2018 |
"Novel Tests of Gravity Below Fifty Microns" in ideaFest Poster |
Stillman, Jackson |
2018 |
"Switching to Electric Cars, and the Efficiency of Allocating Charging Stations" in ideaFest Poster |
Stillman, Jackson |
2018 |
"Short-range Tests of Gravitational Physics" in APS April Meeting |
Stobb, Michael T. |
2018 |
"A local and global sensitivity analysis of a mathematical model of coagulation and platelet deposition under flow" in PLOS ONE |
Stock, Gregory M. |
2018 |
"Thermal influences on spontaneous rock dome exfoliation" in Nature Communications |
Stock, Gregory M. |
2018 |
"Assessing rockfall susceptibility in steep and overhanging slopes using three-dimensional analysis of failure mechanisms" in Landslides |
Stock, Gregory M. |
2018 |
"Rapid 3-D analysis of rockfalls" in GSA Today |
Stone, Torisha |
2018 |
"We break our bodies to save our souls: identity construction through the participation in flat track roller derby" in Theses and Projects |
Stone, Torisha |
2018 |
"Oh my God. I am the highest I have ever been: User Experiences with Cannabis Edibles" in ideaFest Posters |
Stonecypher, K. |
2018 |
"Community Based Research to Help Identify a Connection between Geology and Groundwater Contamination to Elevated Cancer Rates in Fruithurst, Alabama" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Stonecypher, K. |
2018 |
"Assessing Socio-Environmental Factors for a Childhood Leukemia Cluster in Cleburne County, Alabama" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Storts, Jr., Gary A. |
2018 |
"Effects of collaborative teaching evaluation process on teacher/administrator collegiality" in Theses and Projects |
Strayer, Sandra L. |
2018 |
"Spore wall ultrastructure and development in a basal euphyllophyte: Psilophyton dawsonii from the Lower Devonian of Quebec (Canada)" in American Journal of Botany
Stroud, Crystal |
2018 |
"Effects of a peer-assisted physical activity program on depression and anxiety in college students" in Theses and Projects |
Stumpf, Tyler S. |
2018 |
"Sharpening the ethnographer’s toolkit: Introducing the freelist method to information systems research" in Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences |
Stumpf, Tyler S. |
2018 |
Chapter 11 "On the use of meta-theory in grounded investigations: In principle and practice in hospitality and tourism research" in Handbook of Research Methods for Tourism and Hospitality Management |
Stumpf, Tyler S. |
2019 |
"The land has voice: understanding the land tenure – sustainable tourism development nexus in Micronesia" in Journal of Sustainable Tourism |
Suarez, Alyssa |
2018 |
"A Comparative Color Analysis of 49 Bird Species and the Relation of Habitat Factors to Plumage Coloration in a Tropical Forest" in INRSEP Research Poster |
Sugata, Michihiro |
2018 |
"Continuum of Violence Research Project" in ideaFest Poster |
Sutter, Michael |
2018 |
"Rangewide tidewater goby occupancy survey using environmental DNA" in Theses and Projects |
Svarc, Jerry |
2018 |
"Leveraging geodetic data to reduce losses from earthquakes" in USGS Open File Report |