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Displaying 151 - 175 of 1633
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Brown, Christian E. 2019

"Aneides vagrans is Absent from Angiosperm Crowns in an Old-growth Redwood Forest" in Herpetological Conservation & Biology

Brown, Claire 2018

"Service Learning in the Community through Y.E.S. House Programs" in ideaFest Poster

Brown, Richard N. 2018

"Spatial clustering of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato within populations of Allen's chipmunks and dusky-footed woodrats in northwestern California" in PLOS ONE

Browne, Brandon L. 2018

 "Using satellite imagery to identify and analyze tumuli on Earth and Mars" in Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Bruner, Victoria 2018

"Celebrating Community" in Check Out the Library

Bruner, Victoria 2018

 "2018 L4HSU at a Glance" in Check Out the Library

Buchanan, Brian P. 2018

"Estimating dominant runoff modes across the conterminous United States" in Hydrological Processes

Buck, Joshua 2018

"Awfully muddy, precariously ledged, and going nowhere in particular: the rise and fall of the Northwestern Pacific Railroad" in Charles R. Barnum History Awards

Bueno Watts, Nievita 2018

"Using place-based, community-inspired research to broaden participation in the geosciences" in GSA Today

Burcell-Price, Suzanne 2018

Salmon is Everything: Community-Based Theatre in the Klamath Watershed

Burcell-Price, Suzanne 2018

"A Call to Action: We have to do something!" in Salmon is Everything: Community-Based Theatre in the Klamath Watershed

Burgess, Scott 2018

"Program turnarounds in computer science: a case study" in Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges

Burgess, Scott 2018

"Engineering Program Turnarounds in Computer Science" in International Conference Frontiers in Education: CS and CE

Burkart, Patrick 2018

"Political Economy of Communication and Digital Rights Research" in The Craft of Criticism: Critical Media Studies in Practice

Burke, Megan 2018

"Public Lands Bill- Drafting of Environmental Bills in the United States' Current Contemporary Political Arena" in ideaFest Poster

Burrows, Cheyenna 2018

"Cannabis Carbon Accounting Model" in ideaFest Poster

Burrus, Boe M. 2018

"The Effect of Workload on Exercise Volume during Exhaustive Anaerobic Treadmill Running" in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise

Burrus, Boe M. 2018

"The Effect of Workload Reductions on Anaerobic Work During High Intensity Running" in ideaFest Poster

Burrus, Boe M. 2018

"The Effect of Stride Frequency Variations on Running Performance at the Velocity of VO2max" in ideaFest Poster

Burrus, Boe M. 2018

"Effects of Recovery Type on Blood Lactate and Performance Following Repeated Wingate Tests in Females" in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise

Burrus, Boe M. 2018

"The Effect of Acute L-carnitine and Carbohydrate Intake on Cycling Performance" in International Journal of Exercise Science

Burrus, Boe M. 2018

"The Effect Of Stride Frequency Variations On Running Performance At The Velocity Of Vo2Max" in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise

Burstiner, Marcy 2018

Investigative Reporting: From Premise to Publication

Bushta, Emily 2018

"Playing and Learning Through Text and Images: Examining Features of Adolescent Literacy and the Potential of Graphic Novels as a Supportive Tool" in Theses and Projects

Butler, Edie 2018

"Bibliography for Marijuana in North West California" in Community Study of the Emerald Triangle Project