Corral-Ribordy, Maria |
2017 |
"Editor's Introduction" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos
Corral-Ribordy, Maria |
2017 |
"My 'Otherness'" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
Corral-Ribordy, Maria |
2017 |
"Journal's Genesis" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
Corro, Lucila Marie |
2017 |
"Using Off-the-Shelf Technologies to Mass Manufacture Oral Vaccine Baits for Wildlife" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases |
Cortenbach, John |
2018 |
"Map of wildfire severity of the Santa Rosa: CA 2017" in ideaFest Poster |
Cortenbach, John |
2019 |
"Determining Fire Severity of the Santa Rosa, CA 2017 Fire" in IdeaFest Journal
Cortes-Rincon, Marisol |
2018 |
"Geoarchaeology and tropical forest soil catenas of northwestern Belize" in Quaternary International
Cortes-Rincon, Marisol |
2019 |
"Stability and instability on Maya Lowlands tropical hillslope soils" in Geomorphology
Cox, Anicca |
2017 |
"Live and let die: navigating institutional challenges to classroom-based tutoring" in International Writing Center Association Annual Conference |
Cox, Anicca |
2017 |
"Intersectionality: rhetorics of labor, identity, and coalition politics for writing studies activists" in Conference Paper |
Cox, Anicca |
2017 |
"Brutal (ist) meditations: Space and labor-movement in a writing program" in Contingency, exploitation, and solidarity: Labor and action in English composition |
Craig, Ravin D. |
2017 |
"Oh SNAP! Student Food Programs, Making Food Accessible & Sustainable" in HSU unConference
Craig, Sean F. |
2017 |
"Baseline characterization of sandy beach ecosystems along the north coast of California" in Final Report |
Craig, Sean F. |
2017 |
"Baseline monitoring of rocky reef and kelp forest habitats of the north coast study region" in Final Report |
Craig, Sean F. |
2017 |
"Baseline Characterization of Rocky Intertidal Ecosystems along the North Coast of California" in Final Report |
Crain, Benjamin J. |
2017 |
"Hot and Bothered: Changes in Microclimate Alter Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measures and Increase Stress Levels in Tropical Epiphytic Orchids" in International Journal of Plant Sciences |
Crain, Benjamin J. |
2017 |
"The Field Museum Field Guides: Plants of Dean's Woods Wildflower Garden" in Field Museum Field Guides |
Crane, Jeff |
2017 |
"Reviewed Work: Coyote Valley: Deep History in the High Rockies by Thomas G. Andrews" in The American Historical Review |
Crane, Jeff |
2017 |
"Reviewed Work: David Brower: The Making of the Environmental Movement by Tom Turner" in Environmental History |
Crawford, Gregory B. |
2017 |
"Spectral Analysis of Water Level and Velocity Data from Crescent City Harbor During the April 1, 2014 Chilean Tsunami" in Pure and Applied Geophysics |
Crutsinger, Gregory M. |
2017 |
"Genetic variation in resistance to leaf fungus indirectly affects spider density" in Ecology |
Crutsinger, Gregory M. |
2017 |
"Spartina alterniflora genotypic identity affects plant and consumer responses in an experimental marsh community" in Journal of Ecology |
Cuellar-Gempeler, Catalina |
2017 |
"Predator dispersal regimes impacts prey community diversity and composition in pitcher plants" in Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America |
Cuellar-Gempeler, Catalina |
2017 |
"Understanding the evolution of competitors in a community context" in Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America |
Cuevas, Michelle |
2017 |
"I Say" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos