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Displaying 976 - 1000 of 1184
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Schutz, Caitlin D. 2016

"Expanding community space for peer-led lgbtq+ support groups in rural northern California" in Theses and Projects

Scofield, Erin 2016

"OMEKA Online Resource for LGBTQ Students"

Scott, Lyn 2016

"Language ideologies and literacy achievement: six multilingual countries and two international assessments" in International Journal of Multilingualism

Sebro, Tani H. 2016

"Necromobility/choreomobility: Dance, death and displacement in the Thai-Burma border-zone" in Event Mobilities: Politics, Place and Performance

Sebro, Tani H. 2016

"The chronopolitics of exile: Hope, heterotemporality and NGO economics along the Thai–Burma border" in Critique of Anthropology

Severy, Mark 2016

"Biochar Testing Results Report" in U.S. Department of Energy Report

Shelton, Glenn W.K. 2016

"Krassiloviella limbelloides gen. et sp. nov.: Additional Diversity in the Hypnanaean Moss Family Tricostaceae (Valanginian, Vancouver Island, British Columbia)" in International Journal of Plant Sciences

Shen, Tori 2016

"Go big or go home: A thematic content analysis of pro-muscularity websites" in Body Image

Sheppard, Colin John Ritter 2016

"Cost-Effective Siting of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure With Agent-Based Modeling" in IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification

Sheppard, Colin John Ritter 2016

"Cost-effective electric vehicle charging infrastructure siting for Delhi" in Environmental Research Letters

Sheridan, Mark A. 2017

"Environmental estrogens inhibit mRNA and functional expression of growth hormone receptors as well as growth hormone signaling pathways in vitro in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)" in General and Comparative Endocrinology


Sherriff, Rosemary L. 2016

"Tree-ring isotopes reveal drought sensitivity in trees killed by spruce beetle outbreaks in south-central Alaska" in Ecological Applications

Sherriff, Rosemary L. 2016

"Toward a more ecologically informed view of severe forest fires" in Ecosphere

Sherriff, Rosemary L. 2016

"Managing bark beetle impacts on ecosystems and society: priority questions to motivate future research" in Journal of Applied Ecology

Shuflin, Rebecca 2016

"Building trauma responsive and family strengthening environments for young children and their families" in Theses and Projects

Sillett, Stephen C. 2016

"Phenotypic plasticity of leaves enhances water-stress tolerance and promotes hydraulic conductivity in a tall conifer" in American Journal of Botany

Sillett, Stephen C. 2016

"Emergent crowns and light-use complementarity lead to global maximum biomass and leaf area in Sequoia sempervirens forests" in Forest Ecology and Management

Sillett, Stephen C. 2017

"Crown dynamics and wood production of Douglas-fir trees in an old-growth forest" in Forest Ecology and Management

Sinn, David 2016

"Comparing the predictive validity of behavioral codings and behavioral ratings in a working-dog breeding program" in Applied Animal Behaviour Science

Skinner, Matthew 2016

"Promoting bibliotherapy as a tool for therapeutic engagement with youth" in Theses and Projects

Slack, Andrew W. 2016

"Large sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana) vigor and mortality in a fire-excluded forest of the central Sierra Nevada" in Theses and Projects

Slack, Andrew W. 2016

"Contingent resistance in longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) growth and defense 10 years following smoldering fires" in Forest Ecology and Management

Slentz, Rosie 2016

"From soil to soul: food systems curriculum for 5th graders" in Theses and Projects

Smith, Chris J. 2016

"Mismatch between diurnal home ranges and roosting areas in the Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina): Possible role of habitat and breeding stage" in The Auk

Smith, Joshua R. 2016

Replication of a Published Materials Science Synthesis: An Impromptu Upper-Division Undergraduate Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Experiment” in The Chemical Educator