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Displaying 251 - 275 of 1183
Author Year Publicationssort descending
Whitworth, Darrell L. 2016

"Breeding of the Leach's Storm-petrel Oceanodroma Leucorhoa at Santa Catalina Island, California" in Marine Ornithology

Parker, Michael 2016

"Changing Breeding Status of the Ashy Storm-petrel Oceanodroma Homochroa on Anacapa Island, California" in Marine Ornithology

Carter, Harry R. 2016

"Occurrence, morphometrics and plumage variability among Leach’s Storm-Petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa in the California Channel Islands, 1976–2015" in Marine Ornithology

Whitworth, Darrell L. 2016

"Occurrence, morphometrics and plumage variability among Leach’s Storm-Petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa in the California Channel Islands, 1976–2015" in Marine Ornithology

McChesney, Gerard J. 2016

"Occurrence, morphometrics and plumage variability among Leach’s Storm-Petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa in the California Channel Islands, 1976–2015" in Marine Ornithology

Carter, Harry R. 2016

"Status and monitoring of Ashy Storm-Petrels Oceanodroma homochroa at Point Reyes National Seashore, 2012–2015" in Marine Ornithology

Parker, Michael 2016

"Status and monitoring of Ashy Storm-Petrels Oceanodroma homochroa at Point Reyes National Seashore, 2012–2015" in Marine Ornithology

Nuhfer, Edward B. 2016

"Random Number Simulations Reveal How Random Noise Affects the Measurements and Graphical Portrayals of Self-Assessed Competency" in Numeracy

Cox, Anicca 2016

"The Indianapolis Resolution: Responding to Twenty-First-Century Exigencies/Political Economies of Composition Labor" in College Composition and Communication

Burgess, Scott 2016

"Cuda programming in the core curriculum: a preliminary study" in Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges

Page, Brian 2016

"Cuda programming in the core curriculum: a preliminary study" in Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges

Harris, Albert W. 2016

"Negotiations" in The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication

Blundell, Melissa A. 2016

"Successfully mating male sage-grouse show greater laterality in courtship and aggressive interactions" in Animal Behaviour

Holmes, Alison R. 2016

"Review of Women of the World: The Rise of the Female Diplomat" in

Bennion, Sherilyn Cox 2016

"Review of Pauline Frederick Reporting: A Pioneering Broadcaster Covers the Cold War" in American Journalism

Harrill, Hunter 2017

"The effect of carriage type on yarding productivity and cost" in International Journal of Forest Engineering

Braje, Todd J. 2016

"Pinnipeds and Paleocoastal Middens: A Case Study From Point Bennett, San Miguel Island, California" in The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology

Jules, Erik S. 2016

"Seed predation has the potential to drive a rare plant to extinction" in Journal of Applied Ecology

Carothers, Sydney K. 2016

"Seed predation has the potential to drive a rare plant to extinction" in Journal of Applied Ecology

Szewczak, Joseph M. 2016

"Minimally invasive collection of adipose tissue facilitates the study of eco-physiology in small-bodied mammals" in Methods in Ecology and Evolution

Clerc, Jeffrey Crawford 2016

"Minimally invasive collection of adipose tissue facilitates the study of eco-physiology in small-bodied mammals" in Methods in Ecology and Evolution

Weller, Theodore J. 2016

"Minimally invasive collection of adipose tissue facilitates the study of eco-physiology in small-bodied mammals" in Methods in Ecology and Evolution

Schineller, Jeffrey B. 2016

"Minimally invasive collection of adipose tissue facilitates the study of eco-physiology in small-bodied mammals" in Methods in Ecology and Evolution

Martin, Steven R. 2016

"The Evolution of Wilderness Social Science and Future Research to Protect Experiences, Resources, and Societal Benefits" in Journal of Forestry

Hansell, Dennis A. 2016

"Dissolved organic carbon in the deep Southern Ocean: Local versus distant controls" in Global Biogeochemical Cycles