Hemphill-Haley, Eileen |
2015 |
Chance Findings about Early Holocene Tidal Marshes of Grays Harbor, Washington, in Relation to Rapidly Rising Seas and Great Subduction Earthquakes |
Hemphill-Haley, Eileen |
2015 |
"Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Storms Recorded at Crescent City, California, USA" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Hemphill-Haley, Eileen |
2015 |
"Improving Estimates of Coseismic Subsidence from southern Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes at northern Humboldt Bay, California" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Hemphill-Haley, Eileen |
2016 |
"The application of diatoms to reconstruct the history of subduction zone earthquakes and tsunamis" in Earth-Science Reviews |
Hemphill-Haley, Eileen |
2016 |
"Unusually large tsunamis frequent a currently creeping part of the Aleutian megathrust" in Geophysical Research Letters |
Hemphill-Haley, Mark |
2015 |
"Using Varnish Microlaminations to Provide Minimum Ages on Alluvium Associated with Ground Water Discharge Deposits on an Alluvial Fan at Fenner Gap, Cadiz, CA" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Hemphill-Haley, Mark |
2015 |
"Terrace Formation in the Upper Headwater Region of the Mattole River Watershed Across the Mendocino Triple Junction, Northwest California" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Hemphill-Haley, Mark |
2015 |
"Vertical Crustal Stability in 23 Years Since the 1992 Cape Mendocino M 7.1 Earthquake: Benchmark Survey Results, Interpretations and Tectonic Implications" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Hemphill-Haley, Mark |
2015 |
"Analysis of Holocene Marine Terraces, Cape Mendocino to Mattole River, Northern California: Interpretations and Implications to Mendocino Triple Junction Tectonics" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Henkel, Terry W. |
2015 |
"New sequestrate fungi from Guyana: Jimtrappea guyanensis gen. sp. nov., Castellanea pakaraimophila gen. sp. nov., and Costatisporus cyanescens gen. sp. nov. (Boletaceae, Boletales)" in IMA Fungus |
Henkel, Terry W. |
2015 |
"How many fungi make sclerotia?" in Fungal Ecology |
Henkel, Terry W. |
2015 |
"Erratum to: New sequestrate fungi from Guyana: Jimtrappea guyanensis gen. sp. nov., Castellanea pakaraimophila gen. sp. nov., and Costatisporus cyanescens gen. sp. nov. (Boletaceae, Boletales)" in IMA Fungus |
Henkel, Terry W. |
2015 |
"New species in Cortinarius section Cortinarius (Agaricales) from the Americas and Australasia" in MycoKeys |
Henkel, Terry W. |
2015 |
"Long-distance dispersal and speciation of Australasian and American species of Cortinarius sect. Cortinarius" in Mycologia |
Henkel, Terry W. |
2015 |
"Estimating the global conservation status of more than 15,000 Amazonian tree species" in Science Advances |
Henkel, Terry W. |
2015 |
"Sarcodon in the Neotropics I: new species from Guyana, Puerto Rico and Belize" in Mycologia |
Herman, Dana M. |
2015 |
"Lifetime reproductive success of Snowy Plovers in coastal northern California" in The Condor |
Hernandez, Kaylyn |
2015 |
"Exploring sibling aggression" in Theses and Projects |
Hickenbottom, Delores R. |
2015 |
"Deaf/hard of hearing curriculum for service providers in Humboldt County" in Theses and Projects |
Hickenbottom, Kerri L. |
2016 |
"Assessing the current state of commercially available membranes and spacers for energy production with pressure retarded osmosis" in Desalination |
Higley, J. Mark |
2015 |
"Patterns of Natural and Human-Caused Mortality Factors of a Rare Forest Carnivore, the Fisher (Pekania pennanti) in California" in PLoS ONE |
Higley, J. Mark |
2015 |
"Demographic characteristics and infectious diseases of a population of American black bears in Humboldt County, California" in Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases |
Higley, J. Mark |
2015 |
"The effects of habitat, climate, and Barred Owls on long-term demography of Northern Spotted Owls" in Ornithological Applications |
Hodge, Brian |
2016 |
"Life History Diversity in Klamath River Steelhead" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
Hoene, Maya |
2015 |
"Maternal Identity Construction and Experiences: European American Mothers Who Have Children With Autism" in ideaFest Poster |