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Displaying 1001 - 1025 of 1085
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Vasquez, Edwin J. 2015

"Three Decades Later: The Life Experiences and Mid-Life Functioning of 1980s Heavy Metal Groupies, Musicians, and Fans" in Self and Identity

Vazquez, Edwin J. 2015

"Three Decades Later: The Life Experiences and Mid-Life Functioning of 1980s Heavy Metal Groupies, Musicians, and Fans" in Self and Identity

Vellanoweth, René L. 2015

"12,000 Years of Human Predation on Black Turban Snails (Chlorostoma funebralis) on Alta California's Northern Channel Islands" in California Archaeology

Vellanoweth, René L. 2015

"Residue analysis links sandstone abraders to shell fishhook production on San Nicolas Island, California" in Journal of Archaeological Science

Vergara, Sintana E. 2015

"Attributional and Consequential Life-cycle Assessment in Biofuels: a Review of Recent Literature in the Context of System Boundaries" in Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports

Vermeer, Jessica 2015

"Vertical Crustal Stability in 23 Years Since the 1992 Cape Mendocino M 7.1 Earthquake: Benchmark Survey Results, Interpretations and Tectonic Implications" in AGU Fall Meeting

Vermeer, Jessica 2015

"Analysis of Holocene Marine Terraces, Cape Mendocino to Mattole River, Northern California: Interpretations and Implications to Mendocino Triple Junction Tectonics" in AGU Fall Meeting

Vicente, Aleika J. 2015

"Phylogeography of Mazzaella species across the Cape Blanco to Cape Mendocino transition zone" in Theses and Projects

Villarreal, Brandilynn J. 2015

"High-school seniors' college enrollment goals: Costs and benefits of ambitious expectations" in Journal of Adolescence

Vincent-Layton, Kimberly 2015

"Mobile Learning and Engagement: Designing Effective Mobile Lessons" in Handbook of Mobile Teaching and Learning

Virnoche, Mary E. 2015

"'Stereotype threat' and my students: What can I do about it?" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings

Vogelsang, Laura 2015

"Individual entrepreneurial orientation: an assessment of students" in Theses and Projects

Vollenweider, Katherine Lynn 2015

Images of America: Sequim-Dungeness Valley

Wagner, Robert L. 2015

"Improving understanding of controls on spatial variability in methane fluxes in Arctic tundra" in EGU General Assembly

Wagner, Robert L. 2015

"Chemical and Physical Controls, and Microbial Implications, on Methane Fluxes During an Unusually Warm Spring Thaw in Barrow, Alaska" in AGU Fall Meeting

Waite, Ian R. 2015

"Correspondence of biological condition models of California streams at statewide and regional scales" in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Wallace, Nathan 2015

"Exploring the value of a pilot group integrating curriculum for mental health, body image, and eating disorders" in Theses and Projects

Walters, Garrett 2015

"Flipped Cards and Rolled Dice" in Osprey

Ward, Darren M. 2015

"Early emigration of juvenile coho salmon: implications for population monitoring" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Watanabe-Schock, Kumi 2015

"How Our Services can Help YOU" in Check Out the Library

Watanabe-Schock, Kumi 2015

"Art inside the Library" in Check Out the Library

Weckerly, Floyd W. 2015

"Use of rumen–reticulum fill to examine nutrient transfer and factors influencing food intake in white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus)" in Canadian Journal of Zoology

Weckerly, Floyd W. 2016

"Simulating range-wide population and breeding habitat dynamics for an endangered woodland warbler in the face of uncertainty" in Ecological Modelling

Weeden, Norman F. 2015

"Pea" in Grain Legumes

Weeden, Norman F. 2015

"Functional codominant marker for selecting the Fw gene conferring resistance to fusarium wilt race 1 in pea" in Crop Science