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Displaying 76 - 100 of 1083
Author Year Publicationssort descending
Cappuccio, Jenny A. 2015

"Engineering the S-Layer Protein RsaA in Caulobacter vibrioides for Heavy Metal Bioremediation" in ideaFest Poster

Coblentz, Azariah 2015

"Engineering the S-Layer Protein RsaA in Caulobacter vibrioides for Heavy Metal Bioremediation" in ideaFest Poster

De Alba, Christopher 2015

"Engineering the S-Layer Protein RsaA in Caulobacter vibrioides for Heavy Metal Bioremediation" in ideaFest Poster

Olvera, Michael 2015

"Engineering the S-Layer Protein RsaA in Caulobacter vibrioides for Heavy Metal Bioremediation" in ideaFest Poster

Merrick-Stammers, Skye 2015

"Engineering the S-Layer Protein RsaA in Caulobacter vibrioides for Heavy Metal Bioremediation" in ideaFest Poster

Cappuccio, Jenny A. 2015

"Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin Nanodiscs to Probe Transcriptional Regulation" in ideaFest Poster

Shigenaga, Alexandra 2015

"Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin Nanodiscs to Probe Transcriptional Regulation" in ideaFest Poster

Sandoval, Edward 2015

"Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin Nanodiscs to Probe Transcriptional Regulation" in ideaFest Poster

De La O, Sean 2015

"Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin Nanodiscs to Probe Transcriptional Regulation" in ideaFest Poster

Berrill, John-Pascal 2015

"Collecting seed at the hot, dry margins of a tree species’ natural range: do the progeny of these extreme trees have drought tolerance and water-use efficiency needed for restoration of harsh sites?" in ideaFest Poster

Achilli, Andrea 2015

"Hybrid membrane processes for water reuse" in ideaFest Poster

Zirkel, Gavin 2015

"Hybrid membrane processes for water reuse" in ideaFest Poster

Luque Villanueva, Jairo 2015

"Hybrid membrane processes for water reuse" in ideaFest Poster

Haggard, Alyssa 2015

"Analysis of Soil pH in Relation to Decomposition" in ideaFest Poster

Hegel, Casey 2015

"Analysis of Soil pH in Relation to Decomposition" in ideaFest Poster

Charlton-Grant, Kiaya 2015

"Analysis of Soil pH in Relation to Decomposition" in ideaFest Poster

Ebel, Erika 2015

"Analysis of Soil pH in Relation to Decomposition" in ideaFest Poster

Jacobsen, Jasen 2015

"Frequency and Intensity of Exposure to Carbonate Corrosive Waters in a Near-shore Upwelling Environment" in ideaFest Poster

Altomare, Staci 2015

"Supporting effective implementation of AB12: providing web-based trauma informed resources to Youth Service Bureau case managers serving former foster youth" in Theses and Projects

Barrera, Lillian 2015

"Grant writing for communities" in Theses and Projects

Barrios, Daisy 2015

"Latino grassroots community organizing in Humboldt County" in Theses and Projects

Besyk, Nichole R. 2015

"Predicting phosphorus retention in two Haplohumult forest soils of northern California" in Theses and Projects

Betts, Amy R. 2015

"Common core is here – now what?" in Theses and Projects

Blackwell, Jessica L. 2015

"Influences of hand-held information and communication technology on risk behavior and the experience of wilderness visitors" in Theses and Projects

Brandon, Nichole 2015

"Healthy for life" in Theses and Projects