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"The effects of venting and decompression on Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens) in the marine ornamental aquarium fish trade" in PeerJ |
Tomescu, Alexandru M.F. |
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"Exploring the fossil history of pleurocarpous mosses: Tricostaceae fam. nov. from the Cretaceous of Vancouver Island, Canada" in American Journal of Botany |
Torkelson, Jessica L. |
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"The Rickettsia Endosymbiont of Ixodes pacificus Contains All the Genes of De Novo Folate Biosynthesis" in PLoS ONE |
Torkildson, Siffy |
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A Wild Hare: Finding the Life I Imagined
Torres Martinez, Maria |
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"Critical Multicultural Literacy for Social Justice" in ideaFest Poster |
Trevisan, Dominic A. |
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"Examining the relationship between autistic traits and college adjustment" in Autism |
Trimingham, Catherine |
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"The Effects of Grazing on Above Ground Plant Biomass, Microbial Respiration, Net Ammonification, and Select Physical Properties of Coastal Prairie Soils" in Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting Poster |
Trochtenberg, Rochelle E. |
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"Community building to community center: a rural community’s effort to create a sustainable multi-use LGBTQ Community Center" in Theses and Projects |
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"Quality communication quality assurance in Kenya's off-grid lighting market" in Theses and Projects |
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"Sarcodon in the Neotropics I: new species from Guyana, Puerto Rico and Belize" in Mycologia |
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"Gold Mining and Unequal Exchange in Western Amazonia" in disClosure: a journal of social theory |
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The extraordinary voyage of Kamome : a tsunami boat comes home |
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"Reducing barriers and stigma surrounding mental health and alcohol and other drug services in native communities" in Theses and Projects |
Van Kirk, Robert W. |
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"A simple framework for assessing the sensitivity of mountain watersheds to warming-driven snowpack loss" in Geophysical Research Letters |
Van Kirk, Robert W. |
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"Quantifying habitat loss: Assessing tree encroachment into a serpentine savanna using dendroecology and remote sensing" in Forest Ecology and Management |
Van Kirk, Robert W. |
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"Sensitivity of summer stream temperatures to climate variability and riparian reforestation strategies" in Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies |
Van Kirk, Robert W. |
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"LiDAR illuminates the influence of elevation, aspect, and vegetation on seasonal snowpack: case studies from four western Critical Zone Observatories" in AGU Fall Meeting |
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Van Pelt, Robert |
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"How do tree structure and old age affect growth potential of California redwoods?" in Ecological Monographs |
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"Clarifying the role of fire in the deciduous forests of eastern North America: reply to Matlack" in Conservation Biology |
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"Contrasting sapling bark allocation of five southeastern USA hardwood tree species in a fire prone ecosystem" in Ecosphere |
Varner, J. Morgan |
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"Flammability of litter from southeastern trees: a preliminary assessment" in Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference |
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"The Flammability of Forest and Woodland Litter: a Synthesis" in Current Forestry Reports |
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"Finding balance between fire hazard reduction and erosion control in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California–Nevada" in Forest Ecology and Management |