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Displaying 226 - 250 of 1085
Author Year Publicationssort descending
La Farga, Jessica A. 2015

"The effect of concussion on the metabolic cost of transport in walking" in Theses and Projects

Mannatt, Katlyn Morgan 2015

"The effects of mass loading distribution on walking energetics" in Theses and Projects

Newell, Conrad Barron 2015

"Spawning behavior induction, thermal tolerance and anisakid parasites of the federally endangered tidewater goby (Eucyclogobius newberryi)" in Theses and Projects

de Alba, Jose 2015

"Building the body of an organization for sustainable effectiveness" in Theses and Projects

Grupe, Arthur Charles 2015

"Sarcodon in the neotropics: new species from Belize, Colombia, Guyana, and Puerto Rico" in Theses and Projects

Brown, Melissa 2015

"School social work: special education counseling services" in Theses and Projects

Fulgham, Kenneth O. 2015

"Enhancing teaching and scholarship through active service" in Video Recording

Brown, Sarah 2015

"Guide booklet: a look at bereavement support for people with dementia" in Theses and Projects

Brinkman, Matthew P. 2015

"Evaluating taste aversion as a management tool to reduce nest predation of beach-nesting birds" in Theses and Projects

Bryant, Russ Blackwood 2015

"An assessment of the native invertebrate pollinator community and floral sources in grasslands of eastern North Dakota" in Theses and Projects

Zacher, Ian 2015

"A morphological and volatile terpene analysis of Pinus balfouriana to test for the mountain island effect in the Klamath Mountains" in Theses and Projects

Woo, Heesung 2015

"Screening and characterization of comminuted woody biomass feedstocks" in Theses and Projects

Degenstein, Erin Rose 2015

"Predicting habitat suitability for invasive velvet grass (Holcus lanatus) in Yosemite, Kings Canyon, and Sequoia National Parks" in Theses and Projects

Vicente, Aleika J. 2015

"Phylogeography of Mazzaella species across the Cape Blanco to Cape Mendocino transition zone" in Theses and Projects

Taylor, Benjamin 2015

"Challenges and successes as a Peace Corps teacher trainer in Micronesia" in Theses and Projects

Falk, Adam Young 2015

"The effects of food storage and burrow limitation on the giant kangaroo rat" in Theses and Projects

Ferrell, Emily K. 2015

"Midterm impacts of fire severity on headwater stream ecosystems in the Klamath Mountains, California" in Theses and Projects

Swanson, Charles R. 2015

"Annual and seasonal dissolved inorganic nutrient budgets for Humboldt Bay with implications for wastewater dischargers" in Theses and Projects

Forrington, Michelle Dawn 2015

"In pursuit of happiness : the influence of perspective on high-school students’ career choices, and how these choices affect job satisfaction" in Theses and Projects

Harvey, Derek P. 2015

"Innovative problem solving in wild Steller’s jays" in Theses and Projects

Ordoñez-Gauger, Lucia 2015

"Assessing fishermen’s perceptions of the ecology and management of the California North Coast Marine Protected Area Network" in Theses and Projects

Ives, Teresa 2015

"Increasing the resiliency and retention of itinerant special education teachers" in Theses and Projects

Moitoso, Amanda Marie 2015

"What are the best practices in integrating social stories to promote socially appropriate behaviors in children with autism at school?" in Theses and Projects

Queener, Nathan 2015

"Spatial and temporal variability in baseflow and stream drying in the Mattole River headwaters" in Theses and Projects

Cochran, Sean M. 2015

"Marine survival of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) from small coastal watersheds in Northern California" in Theses and Projects