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Displaying 151 - 175 of 1083
Author Year Publicationssort descending
Sanchez, Tiffany D. 2015

"Mastering the role of a school psychologist and beyond: practicing the ten domains of school psychology in a large diverse urban school district while working with local, state, and national organizations to advocate for the rights of LGBTQ youth" in Theses and Projects

Schriver, Madelinn 2015

"Stand and tree growth characteristics of Quercus garryana and Quercus kelloggi woodlands in northwestern California" in Theses and Projects

Shelton, Glenn W.K. 2015

"Tricostate mosses and associated bryophilous fungi from the Early Cretaceous of Vancouver Island (Canada)" in Theses and Projects

Shewmaker, Megan 2015

"Creating customizable visitation for families at the Humboldt County Family Connection Center" in Theses and Projects

Shoop, Marli DoCarmo 2015

"A proposal for the installation, operation, program implementation, and maintenance of ropes courses in the city of Fort Bragg" in Theses and Projects

Sider, Rebecca 2015

"Trauma: healing, wellness, and sustainability in social work" in Theses and Projects

Smith, Heather Jean 2015

"Bridging the gap: a resource book for law enforcement to reduce unnecessary arrests of people with mental illness and increase awareness of resources" in Theses and Projects

Stablein, Sunita 2015

"Stress management and self-care education as a component of a workplace health promotion and prevention program: curriculum development" in Theses and Projects

Stevens, Nicole 2015

"School psychology intern portfolio: community emphasis" in Theses and Projects

Stonebarger, Brittany Lynn 2015

"A school psychologist interns’ journey: assisting low ses and culturally diverse students across the ten domains of practice through an ecological/developmental pathological, problem -solving, multi-disciplinary approach" in Theses and Projects

Thompson, Shawn 2015

"Hospice grief support training" in Theses and Projects

Tiana, Ahimsa 2015

"Attachment security and factors of authenticity" in Theses and Projects

Trochtenberg, Rochelle E. 2015

"Community building to community center: a rural community’s effort to create a sustainable multi-use LGBTQ Community Center" in Theses and Projects

Turman-Bryant, Phillip 2015

"Quality communication quality assurance in Kenya's off-grid lighting market" in Theses and Projects

Valeski, Kristin N. 2015

"Reducing barriers and stigma surrounding mental health and alcohol and other drug services in native communities" in Theses and Projects

Wallace, Nathan 2015

"Exploring the value of a pilot group integrating curriculum for mental health, body image, and eating disorders" in Theses and Projects

Werren, Bryn 2015

"Peoples’ rights as defined by law in California, abuse prevention, and mandated reporting pertaining to dependent adults and service providers training" in Theses and Projects

Wilhelm, Jenny 2015

"Women's wellness circle" in Theses and Projects

Zajanc, David 2015

"Helping to heal the effects of trauma in young children at the Multiple Assistance Center (MAC) through group education" in Theses and Projects

Archibald, Wiley Hall 2015

"Seasonal changes in the distribution and abundance of pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) in South Humboldt Bay, California and its newly enacted marine protected area" in Theses and Projects

Benassi, Christopher B. 2015

"The effect of system based training™ on the individual lactate profile and 5-kilometer time trial performance in collegiate distance runners" in Theses and Projects

Brokaw, Alyson Frances 2015

"Assessing the use of social calls to attract bats to artificial roost sites" in Theses and Projects

King, Heather E. 2015

"Barriers to CalFresh eligibility for college students: starving for resources may negatively impact academic performance" in Theses and Projects

LaFever, Christopher P. 2015

"A motivational climate analysis of teacher behaviors and student behavioral responses" in Theses and Projects

Park, Minhee 2015

"Food insecurity and snap participation among international students working on a college campus" in Theses and Projects