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Displaying 201 - 225 of 962
Author Year Publications
Cuevas-Uribe, Rafael 2014

"Investigation in reuse of decommissioned wastewater facility and reclaimed water for culturing paddlefish fingerlings" in Journal of the World Aquaculture Society

Cummins, Kenneth W. 2014

"Why do no specialized necrophagous species exist among aquatic insects?" in Freshwater Science

Cummins, Kenneth W. 2014

"Hydroecological monitoring of benthic invertebrate communities of marsh habitat in the upper and middle St. Johns River" in Florida Scientist

Cunha, Stephen F. 2014

"Brand experience as mediator between centrality of visual product aesthetics and loyalty" in Theses and Projects

Curiel, Barbara Brinson 2014

Mexican Jenny and Other Poems

Curtis, Jennifer A. 2014

"Incorporating cold-air pooling into downscaled climate models increases potential refugia for snow-dependent species within the Sierra Nevada Ecoregion, CA" in PLoS ONE

Daly, Kendra L. 2014

"Eucalanoid copepod metabolic rates in the oxygen minimum zone of the eastern tropical north Pacific" in Deep-sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers

Daly, Kendra L. 2014

"Assessment of storage lipid accumulation patterns in eucalanoid copepods from the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean" in Deep-Sea Research Part I

Dang, Zirui 2014

"Culture Shock" in Osprey

Daniels, Bryan Lee 2014

"Activity budgets and daily energy expenditure of black brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) during winter and spring along the Alaska Peninsula" in Theses and Projects

Davidoff, Lori M. 2014

"Adult attachment style, self- esteem and professional satisfaction" in Theses and Projects

Deegan, Jennifer Noelle 2014

"A comprehensive view of the mental health, social/emotional, and safety needs within a rural community through individual, group and community services" in Theses and Projects

Degenstein, Erin Rose 2014

“Modeling velvetgrass (Holcus lanatus) habitat suitability in Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks” in UCGIS Symposium

Deich, Alex 2014

"Photometric Analysis of Clusters in the Vista Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) Survey" in AAS Meeting

Derrick, Matthew 2014

"Islam as a Source of Unity and Division in Eurasia" in Corridor of Interconnections: Eurasia from South China to the Caspian Sea

Derrick, Matthew 2014

"The State of Jefferson: Beyond Myth and Mindset, Toward Enhanced Conceptualization of a Region" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

DeSiervo, Melissa H. 2014

"Disturbance effects across a productivity gradient: postfire vegetation response in serpentine and non-serpentine forests in the northern Sierra Nevada (California, USA)" in Theses and Projects

DeVita, EvaLinda 2014

"Modeling population interactions between native Yellowstone cutthroat trout and invasive rainbow trout in the south fork Snake River" in Theses and Projects

Dickens, Susan E. 2014

"Community assessment of same- sex survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) in Humboldt County" in Theses and Projects

Diémé, Joseph 2021

Dans la peau d'un immigré

Dierks, Janina 2014

"Cantharellaceae Of Guyana II: New Species Of Craterellus, New South American Distribution Records For Cantharellus Guyanensis And Craterellus Excelsus, And A Key To The Neotropical Taxa" in Mycologia

Diller, Lowell V. 2014

"Removing barred owls from local areas: Techniques and feasibility" in Wildlife Society Bulletin

Diller, Lowell V. 2014

"Tree-nesting by peregrine falcons in North America: Historical and additional records" in Journal of Raptor Research

Dinscore, Amanda 2014

"One librarian: 1,400 freshmen" in Library Instruction West Presentations

Donahue, Megan J. 2014

"Reefs shift from net accretion to net erosion along a natural environmental gradient" in Marine Ecology Progress Series