Som, Nicholas A |
2014 |
"Applications of spatial statistical network models to stream data" in Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water |
Somers, Michelle Rae |
2014 |
"Program development for family strengthening & support at the Mckinleyville Family Resource Center" in Theses and Projects |
Sowle, Jennifer |
2014 |
The Marrhob War: A Fantasy with Adventure, Animals and Magic (The Animal Guild Book 3) |
Sowle, Jennifer |
2014 |
The Nhorn: A Fantasy with Adventure, Animals and Magic (The Animal Guild Book 4) |
Srun Sin, Meng |
2014 |
Forestry in Cambodia: The Dilemma of Development and Preservation |
Staton, Jay M. |
2014 |
"Condition and diet of yellow perch in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron (1970–2011)" in Journal of Great Lakes Research |
Stednitz, Sarah Josephine |
2014 |
"Dopamine toxicity and oxidative stress in zebrafish larvae as a model of Parkinson's disease neuropathology" in Theses and Projects |
Stednitz, Sarah Josephine |
2014 |
"Physiological stress reactivity and empathy following social exclusion: A test of the defensive emotional analgesia hypothesis" in Social Neuroscience |
Steenbock, Christopher M. |
2014 |
"Update on the 35-year expansion of the invasive root pathogen, Phytophthora lateralis, across a landscape of Port Orford cedar (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana)" in Forest Pathology |
Steenbock, Christopher M. |
2014 |
"Host heterogeneity influences the impact of a non-native disease invasion on populations of a foundation tree species" in Ecosphere |
Steimel, Joshua P. |
2014 |
"Artificial Tribotactic Microscopic Walkers: Walking Based on Friction Gradients" in Physical Review Letters
Stein, Nicole |
2014 |
"Exploring the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, pl 111-148: implications for newly covered populations and services in Humboldt County" in Theses and Projects |
Steinberg, Steven J. |
2014 |
"Conservation ecology of rare plants within complex local habitat networks" in Oryx |
Stevens, Melanie |
2014 |
"Analyzing the preliminary movement of the east branch of east Weaver Creek landslide prior to the catastrophic failure in spring 2011 as detected by INSAR" in Theses and Projects |
Stewart, Sydney |
2014 |
"Potential Future Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Shellfish Mariculture in Humboldt Bay" in Theses and Projects |
Stock, Gregory M. |
2014 |
"Mechanics of relative and absolute displacements across normal faults, and implications for uplift and subsidence along the eastern escarpment of the Sierra Nevada, California" in Geosphere |
Stock, Gregory M. |
2014 |
"Millennial-scale variations in western Sierra Nevada precipitation during the last glacial cycle MIS 4/3 transition" in Quaternary Research |
Stock, Gregory M. |
2014 |
Quantitative Rock-Fall Hazard and Risk Assessment for Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park, California |
Stumpf, Tyler S. |
2014 |
"Appreciative and consumptive lodging attributes: Conceptualization and measurement" in International Journal of Hospitality Management |
Stumpf, Tyler S. |
2015 |
"Tourism involvement-conformance theory: a grounded theory concerning the latent consequences of sustainable tourism policy shifts" in Journal of Sustainable Tourism |
Swain, Taylor Alex |
2014 |
"The effects of foot posture and running shoe type on the injury rate among distance runners" in Theses and Projects |
Szewczak, Joseph M. |
2014 |
"Accounting For False-Positive Acoustic Detections Of Bats Using Occupancy Models" in Journal of Applied Ecology |
Szewczak, Joseph M. |
2014 |
"Bat activity across the vertical gradient of an old-growth Sequoia sempervirens forest" in Acta Chiropterologica |
Szykman Gunther, Micaela |
2014 |
"Space Use of African Wild Dogs in Relation to Other Large Carnivores" in PLOS ONE |
Szykman Gunther, Micaela |
2014 |
"Influence of hair loss syndrome on black-tailed deer fawn survival" in Journal of Wildlife Management |