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Displaying 126 - 150 of 17745
Author Year Publicationssort descending
Ruybal, Zachary Kevin 2021

"Oral History with Sophie Holt" in Humboldt in the Time of Covid - Digital Archive

Ruybal, Zachary Kevin 2021

"Oral History with Levi Malekos" in Humboldt in the Time of Covid - Digital Archive

Sani, Austin W. 2021

"Eli Shannon" in Humboldt in the Time of COVID - Digital Archive

Falco, Cole 2021

"RS 301 Oral History: Interview with Jerry Cartwright of LifeChurch" in Humboldt in the Time of COVID - Digital Archive

Sani, Austin W. 2021

"Noah Schechter" in Humboldt in the Time of COVID - Digital Archive

Holmes, Alison R. 2023

"Introduction to Theme 1: Society, Culture and Identity" in csuglobaljournal

Holmes, Alison R. 2023

"Introduction to Theme 2: Institutions, Structures and Power" in csuglobaljournal

Holmes, Alison R. 2023

"Introduction to Theme 3: Networks of Economy and Trade" in csuglobaljournal

Holmes, Alison R. 2023

"Introduction to Theme 4: Scientific Essentials and Sustainable Environments" in csuglobaljournal

Meija, Yancy 2017

"Truth or Dare: The Anonymous Collective--A self-proclaimed Cyber Anarchist Movement" in Theses and Projects

Olmedo, Lizbeth 2017

"Navigating the Gender Nonconforming Identity on the Humboldt Campus" in Theses and Projects

Walters, Nicola R. 2017

"Listening to the Mattole: Lessons in Bioregionalism, Cannabis, and Capitalism from a Northern California Community" in Theses and Projects

Harrison, Sheri L. 2017

"A "Dying Breed"? Exploring Logger Identity after the Decline in the Timber Industry in Hayfork, CA" in Theses and Projects

Siegel, Danielle 2021

"The effect of partner gender on bisexual’s percieved LGBT+ belonging" in Theses and Projects

Foster, Aaron 2021

"Effects of spatial language cues on attention and the perception of ambiguous images" in Theses and Projects

Collins, Loren M. 2016

"Alternative Visions of Globalization-Occupy and the World Social Forum" in Theses and Projects

Rice, Delaney M. 2021

"Integrated curriculum in physical education" in Theses and Projects

Marlin, Katherine 2021

"Evaluating immaturity risk in young stands of the serotinous knobcone pine (pinus attenuata)" in Theses and Projects

Jones, Abigail M. 2021

"Post-fire effects in chaparral and oak ecosystems of northern California" in Theses and Projects

Trent, Sara M. 2023

"Schumaker Acres equine assisted learning curriculum: building social emotional learning skills for autistic individuals" in Theses and Projects

Lowe, Anthony Michael 2023

"Make a foreigner of yourself: an analysis of the dueling critical utopias of The Dispossessed and Trouble on Triton" in Theses and Projects

Anjewierden, Benjamin 2023

"Positive and negative contact as predictors of attitudes toward law enforcement" in Theses and Projects

Lindler, Yvette 2023

"Analyzing residential curbside collection for food waste in Humboldt County" in Theses and Projects

Lopez-Kirk, Mishell 2023

"A descriptive and visual analysis of the North Coast Fall Prevention Survey data" in Theses and Projects

Pang, Joseph 2023

"Diversity among university students in the U.S.: an analysis of student ethnic group preferences and its impact on campus diversity perceptions" in Theses and Projects