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Displaying 1276 - 1300 of 1442
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Kontos, Anthony P. 2023

"Similar Concussion Rates in Spring Football and Preseason: Findings From the Concussion Assessment, Research and Education Consortium" in Journal of Athletic Training

Suarez, Alyssa 2023

"Transformative Sea-level Rise Research and Planning: Establishing a University, Tribal, and Community Partnership for a Resilient California North Coast" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Madurapperuma, Buddhika 2023

"Geoinformatics application for estimating and forecasting of periodic shoreline changes in the east coast of Ampara District, Sri Lanka" in Ocean & Coastal Management

Chin, Alana R.O. 2023

"Towards multivariate functional trait syndromes: Predicting foliar water uptake in trees" in Ecology

Wilson, Emma 2023

"Comfort Corner: Grandma's 2-Day Lasagna" in Osprey

Wan, Ho Yi 2023

"Seventy-two models of large mammal connectivity across Panama: insights into a critical biogeographic linkage zone" in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

Olivarez, Stephanie M. 2023

"Spatial and Temporal Variations of Microplastics within Humboldt Bay, California" in CSU Journal of Sustainability and Climate Change

Campos, Gerber 2023

"La Madrugada Amarga" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Berrill, John-Pascal 2023

"Heavy crown thinning in redwood/Douglas-fir gave superior forest restoration outcomes after 10 years" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Kazemi, Pouya 2023

"Red-Tailed and Red-Shouldered Hawk Habitat Usage Throughout Humboldt County" in ideaFest Posters

Laskey, Grace 2023

"Investigating the Impacts of Ammonium Phosphate-Based Fire Retardants on Cyanobacteria (Anabaena) Growth" in Humboldt Journal of Microbiology

Becdach, Rebeca 2023

"Gender Equity in Wildlife Publishing: A Census of 22 Years of Authorship in the Journal of Wildlife Management" in ideaFest Poster

Meyer, Kacey 2023

"Addressing Burnout in Registered Nurses" in ideaFest Poster

Srivastava, Swati 2023

"Response to Joel Ng’s Review of Hybrid Sovereignty in World Politics" in Perspectives on Politics

Goley, Patricia Dawn 2023

"Observations of tissue healing around an implanted “C” tag in a Pacific Coast Feeding Group gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus)" in Marine Mammal Science

Kelly, Erin Clover 2023

"Northern spotted owl nesting habitat under high potential wildfire threats along the California Coastal Redwood Forest" in Science of the Total Environment

Lindler, Yvette 2023

"Analyzing residential curbside collection for food waste in Humboldt County" in Theses and Projects

Beveridge, Christopher D. 2023

"Comparative analysis of gas versus electric demand in tiny house communities for the homeless" in Theses and Projects

La Vogue, Natasha 2023

"Extremism in America: explaining political extremism using uncertainty-identity theory" in Theses and Projects

Fritsch, Tristan 2023

"Students are Talking: Special Collections Videos" in Check Out the Library

Panta, Humnath 2023

"Organizational capital and readability of financial reports" in Finance Research Letters

Geronimo, Carisse 2023

"Climate and air pollution impacts of generating biopower from forest management residues in California" in IOP Science

Jackson, Jr., Tom 2023

"College Matters: Embracing the pride and momentum" in Times-Standard

Anderson, Jill 2023

"Collaborative Preparation of Special Educators and Adapted Physical Educators" in Handbook of Research on Interdisciplinary Preparation for Equitable Special Education

Riggs, Eric M. 2023

"The impact of COVID-19 on publishing and reviewing in the Journal of Geoscience Education community" in Journal of Geoscience Education