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Displaying 301 - 325 of 1658
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Collins, Loren M. 2021

"A Lifelong Commitment to Community, Equity and Inclusion: A Faculty and Program Spotlight with Yvonne Doble" in Redwood Roots

Colmenares, Celeste T. 2021

"Happy Birthday" in Toyon

Colwell, Mark A. 2013

"Review of Arctic Shorebirds in North America: A Decade of Monitoring" in Journal of Field Ornithology

Colwell, Mark A. 2021

"The Aphrodisiac of Avocets" in Econews

Colwell, Mark A. 2021

"Bottoms-up! Birds Benefit from Beached Brown Algae" in Econews

Colwell, Mark A. 2021

"HSU and Humboldt are a Mecca for Aspiring Ornithologists!" in Econews

Concesa, George 2021

"Anthropocentric Tautologies: The Ape Who Mistook His Jabbering for a Self" in The International Jounrnal of Ecopsychology

Concesa, George 2021

"Nostalgia, the Liminal, and Feral Love in Guillermo Enrique Hundson's "Green Mansions"" in The International Journal of Ecopsychology

Conklin, Helga 2021

The Eternity Knot (Celtic Magic Book 4)

Conley, Amy K. 2021

"Imagining the Future of California Literacy Instruction" in California English

Conner, Jeff N. 2021

Peacekeepers: A Humboldt Love Story

Connor, Fiona 2021

"Sea Level Rise Planning for the Arcata Wastewater Treatment Facility" in ideaFest Poster

Conriquez, Kylee A. 2021

"Rest In Peace, Esteban" in Toyon

Cook, Samantha 2021

"Assessing California commercial fishing community well-being in the context of marine protected area (MPA) formation" in Theses and Projects

Cook, Samantha 2021

"Exploring the Effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic on Fishing Communities and Fisheries Social Science Research in California" in ideaFest Journal

Cooper, Kai 2021

"Passion to Pathway: Meet CCBL’s Student Support Coordinator Kelly Fortner" in Redwood Roots

Cooper, Kai 2021

"Learning in Action: The Value of Community Based Learning" in Redwood Roots

Cooper, Kai 2021

"Redwood Roots Magazine" in ideaFest Poster

Corbett, John W. 2021

"A Clash of Cultures: The Struggle of Native Americans to Participate in Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Western Science Under California’s Marine Life Protection Act" in ideaFest Journal

Corbett, John W. 2021

"California North Coast Vehicle and Human Use Beach Survey of False Klamath Cove" in ideaFest Journal

Corrigan, Jeremy A. 2021

"Microbial Source Tracking Approach to Investigate Fecal Waste at the Strawberry Creek Watershed and Clam Beach, California, USA" in International Journal of Environmental Rsearch and Public Health

Corrigan, Jeremy A. 2022

"Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 and Respiratory Virus Sentinel Surveillance, California, USA, May 10, 2020–June 12, 2021" in Emerging Infectious Diseases

Corro, Lucila Marie 2021

"A look at land cover classification methods in Northern California with the use of high spatial resolution geospatial data" in Theses and Projects

Cortes, Gabriela 2021

"RS 301 Oral History: Makenzie Dominick, Lifehouse Humboldt" in Humboldt in the Time of Covid - Digital Archive

Cortez-Regan, Lori 2021

"Experiences of Parent-Advocates of Trans and Gender Non-Conforming Youth" in Journal of GLBT Family Studies