Ramirez, Daisy N. |
2017 |
"Pearl Necklace" in Toyon |
Griego, Elisa N. |
2017 |
"Flora & Fauna" in Toyon |
Melgoza, Jessica |
2017 |
"Ni de aquí ni de allá" in Toyon |
Davis, Haley M. |
2017 |
"Greedy Modern Organization (G.M.O) Paradise" in Toyon
Gardner, Kendra |
2017 |
"Roxana: A Contemporary Analysis to an Eighteenth Century Voice for Women's Rights" in Toyon |
Green, Shiloh C. |
2017 |
"New Show Pilot on Travel Channel: 'Culturally Appreciative Foods'" in Toyon |
McCarthy, Luke |
2017 |
"The Watchers of the Water" in Toyon |
Curtade, Andrea |
2017 |
"Soy la hija de inmigrantes" in Toyon |
Espinoza, Christian Gildardo |
2017 |
"The Unspoken Has Spoken" in Toyon |
Zoellner, Robert W. |
2017 |
"Magnesepin, 1,4-dimagnesocin, 1,4,7-trimagnesonin, and their C6 H6 Mgn, n=1-3, isomers: A density functional computational investigation" in Heteroatom Chemistry
Tabares, Annette A. |
2017 |
"Magnesepin, 1,4-dimagnesocin, 1,4,7-trimagnesonin, and their C6 H6 Mgn, n=1-3, isomers: A density functional computational investigation" in Heteroatom Chemistry
Bowers, Pamela Hancock |
2018 |
"Teaching Note-Partnering Macro Social Work Students and Agencies Addressing Youth Homelessness: A Model for Service Learning" in Journal of Social Work Education
Szewczak, Joseph M. |
2017 |
"A before-after control-impact assessment to understand the potential impacts of highway construction noise and activity on an endangered songbird" in Ecology and Evolution
Sherriff, Rosemary L. |
2017 |
"Deciphering the Complexity of Historical Fire Regimes: Diversity Among Forests of Western North America” in Dendroecology |
Tissot, Brian N. |
2017 |
"Trophic designation and live coral cover predict changes in reef-fish community structure along a shallow to mesophotic gradient in Hawaii" in Coral Reefs |
Eicher, Jonathan E. |
2018 |
"Determination of 3D Amoeboid Migration Force through Utilization of Actuated Surface Attached Posts" in Biophysical Journal
Jacobson, Arne E. |
2018 |
"LED advances accelerate universal access to electric lighting" in Comptes Rendus Physique
Alstone, Peter |
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"LED advances accelerate universal access to electric lighting" in Comptes Rendus Physique
Cortes-Rincon, Marisol |
2019 |
"Stability and instability on Maya Lowlands tropical hillslope soils" in Geomorphology
Zoellner, Robert W. |
2018 |
"Bonding modes in bis(benzene)beryllium(O): A density functional and Møller-Plesset computational investigation" in Inorganica Chimica Acta
Johnson, Laura B. |
2017 |
"Gendering strategies for civic agriculture: The case of Blue Ridge Women in agriculture and the High Country Farm Tour" in Journal of Rural Studies
Zhong, Jianmin |
2017 |
"Enhanced detection of Rickettsia species in Ixodes pacificus using highly sensitive fluorescence in situ hybridization coupled with Tyramide Signal Amplification" in Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases
Zhong, Jianmin |
2018 |
"The folA gene from the Rickettsia endosymbiont of Ixodes pacificus encodes a functional dihydrofolate reductase enzyme" in Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases
Buchheister, Andre |
2017 |
"Evaluating Ecosystem-Based Reference Points for Atlantic Menhaden" in Marine and Coastal Fisheries
Gold, Gregg J. |
2017 |
"Rural entrepreneurs: what are the best indicators of their success?" in Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development