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Displaying 276 - 300 of 1183
Author Year Publicationssort descending
Hansell, Dennis A. 2016

"A novel molecular approach for tracing terrigenous dissolved organic matter into the deep ocean" in Global Biogeochemical Cycles

Hemphill-Haley, Eileen 2016

"Unusually large tsunamis frequent a currently creeping part of the Aleutian megathrust" in Geophysical Research Letters

Carver, Gary A. 2016

"Unusually large tsunamis frequent a currently creeping part of the Aleutian megathrust" in Geophysical Research Letters

Levy, Laura B. 2016

"Coeval fluctuations of the Greenland Ice Sheet and a local glacier, central East Greenland,during late-glacial and early Holocene time" in Geophysical Research Letters

Kelsey, Harvey M. 2016

"Differential uplift and incision of the Yakima River terraces, central Washington State" in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth

Whitney, Beau Blake 2016

"Transcurrent reactivation of Australia's western passive margin: An example of intraplate deformation from the central Indo-Australian plate" in Tectonics

Hansell, Dennis A. 2017

"Net community production and carbon export during the late summer in the Ross Sea, Antarctica" in Global Biogeochemical Cycles

Till, Claire P. 2016

"Scandium in the open ocean: A comparison with other group 3 trivalent metals" in Geophysical Research Letters

Ludka, Bonnie C. 2016

"Mid-El Niño erosion at nourished and unnourished Southern California beaches" in Geophysical Research Letters

Kornfeld, Ari 2017

"Plant Uptake of Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide in Coast Redwood Forests" in JGR Biogeosciences

Bracken, Cameron 2016

"Spatial Bayesian hierarchical modeling of precipitation extremes over a large domain" in Water Resources Research

Bracken, Cameron 2016

"A Bayesian hierarchical nonhomogeneous hidden Markov model for multisite streamflow reconstructions" in Water Resources Research

Van Kirk, Robert W. 2017

"Regional sensitivities of seasonal snowpack to elevation, aspect, and vegetation cover in western North America" in Water Resources Research

Bjorkstedt, Eric P. 2017

"The origins of the anomalous warming in the California coastal ocean and San Francisco Bay during 2014–2016" in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans

Walker, Suzanne E. 2005

"Leaping behavior of Pithecia pithecia and Chiropotes satanas in eastern Venezuela" in American Journal of Primatology

Monteiro, Jorge H.S.K. 2016

"Pyrenes, Peropyrenes and Teropyrenes: Synthesis, Structure and Photophysical Properties" in Angewandte Chemie

du Bois, Haley 2017

"Genomic integration of the full-length dystrophin coding sequence in Duchenne muscular dystrophy induced pluripotent stem cells" in Biotechnology Journal

Peterson, Gary W. 2016

"Effect of Brief Staff-Assisted Career Service Delivery on Drop-In Clients" in The Career Development Quarterly

Erwin, Joseph M. 2016

"Human-specific increase of dopaminergic innervation in a striatal region associated with speech and language: A comparative analysis of the primate basal ganglia" in The Journal of Comparative Neurology

Cuellar-Gempeler, Catalina 2016

"A shift from exploitation to interference competition with increasing density affects population and community dynamics" in Ecology and Evolution

Buchanan, Brian P. 2016

"Towards catchment classification in data-scarce regions" in Ecohydrology

Goldenberg, William Peter 2016

"Influence of food subsidies on the foraging ecology of a synanthropic species in protected areas" in Ecosphere

Tepley, Alan J. 2016

"Patterns of tree mortality in a temperate deciduous forest derived from a large forest dynamics plot" in Ecosphere

Peery, M. Zachariah 2016

"Megafires: an emerging threat to old-forest species" in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

Zoellner, Robert W. 2016

"Beryllepin, C6H6Be, and beryllium-Inserted Benzenes, C6H6Ben, n = 2-6: A Density Functional Computational Investigation" in Heteroatom Chemistry