Harmon, Christopher |
2015 |
“Investigations of Water Uptake on Sodium Acetate Trihydrate And Nonhydrate as Model Aerosol Surfaces Using the DRIFTS and ATR-FTIR Techniques” in Proceedings of the National Conference for Undergraduate Research |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2015 |
"Statistical Power Analysis" in Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences |
Curtis, Jennifer A. |
2015 |
Geomorphic Mapping to Support River Restoration on the Trinity River Downstream from Lewiston Dam, California, 1980–2011 |
McCraney, William Tyler |
2015 |
"Temporal genetic analysis of the endangered tidewater goby: extinction–colonization dynamics or drift in isolation?" in Molecular Ecology |
Houle, Katie C. |
2015 |
"The effects of suspended and accreted sediment on the marine invertebrate fouling community of Humboldt Bay" in Theses and Projects |
Radzin, Bryan |
2015 |
Search For Truth: The next step... |
Bryant, Russ Blackwood |
2015 |
"An assessment of the native invertebrate pollinator community and floral sources in grasslands of eastern North Dakota" in Theses and Projects |
Berry, Margaret E. |
2015 |
"Geologic map of the Orchard 7.5' quadrangle, Morgan County, Colorado" in USGS Reports |
Loudon, Dylan |
2015 |
"Analysis of Coastal Wetland Geography and Policy in Humboldt Bay: Adapting Wetland Policies for a Changing Climate" in Theses and Projects |
Achilli, Andrea |
2015 |
"Hybrid membrane processes for water reuse" in ideaFest Poster |
Blackwell, Jessica L. |
2015 |
"Influences of hand-held information and communication technology on risk behavior and the experience of wilderness visitors" in Theses and Projects |
Henkel, Terry W. |
2015 |
"New species in Cortinarius section Cortinarius (Agaricales) from the Americas and Australasia" in MycoKeys |
Boston, Kevin D. |
2015 |
"Economic Optimization of Forest Biomass Processing and Transport in the Pacific Northwest USA" in Forest Science |
Boston, Kevin D. |
2015 |
"Individual snag detection using neighborhood attribute filtered airborne lidar data" in Remote Sensing of Environment |
Shelton, Samantha M. |
2015 |
"Selective toxicity of L-DOPA to dopamine transporter-expressing neurons and locomotor behavior in zebrafish larvae" in Neurotoxicology and Teratology |
Carver, Gary A. |
2015 |
"Slip partitioning along a continuously curved fault: Quaternary geologic controls on Denali fault system slip partitioning, growth of the Alaska Range, and the tectonics of south-central Alaska" in Lithosphere |
Solverson, Anna P. |
2015 |
"Response of step-pool streams three years after the Waldo Canyon fire in Colorado" in American Geophysical Union Meeting |
Braje, Todd J. |
2015 |
"Coasting out of Africa: The potential of mangrove forests and marine habitats to facilitate human coastal expansion via the Southern Dispersal Route" in Quaternary International |
Schreiber, Nikki M. |
2015 |
"Social and emotional learning teaching practices in kindergarten to third grade" in Theses and Projects |
Purchio, Garrett |
2015 |
"Welcome" in Check Out the Library |
Shelton, Glenn W.K. |
2015 |
"Exploring the fossil history of pleurocarpous mosses: Tricostaceae fam. nov. from the Cretaceous of Vancouver Island, Canada" in American Journal of Botany |
Gahtan, Ethan |
2015 |
"Selective toxicity of L-DOPA to dopamine transporter-expressing neurons and locomotor behavior in zebrafish larvae" in Neurotoxicology and Teratology |
Luo, Weiting |
2015 |
"Corporate social responsibility for the primary art market" in Theses and Projects |
Marín-Jarrín, José R. |
2015 |
"Influence of habitat heterogeneity on the foraging ecology of first feeding yellow perch larvae, Perca flavescens in western Lake Erie" in Journal of Great Lakes Research |
Adsit, Janelle |
2015 |
Press Yourself Against a Mirror |